The Magellanic Clouds are prominent features of the southern sky that are named after the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. He sailed west from Europe to the Philippines in the early 16th century and the clouds were described by a returning crew member.
Voyages such as Magellan’s set into motion the European colonization of much of the world. This involved the oppression and assimilation of indigenous peoples and led to racism and inequality that endures to this day.
In this episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast the astronomers Mia de los Reyes and Sally Oey explain why it is time to rename the Magellanic Clouds to make astronomy more hospitable to people from places that still suffer the legacy of colonization. They also talk about astronomy’s connections with colonialism and consider a few suggestions of new names for the clouds.
De los Reyes is based at Amherst College and Oey is at the University of Michigan. They are in conversation with Physics World’s Margaret Harris.