Samsung’s long-awaited XR wearable is expected to be ready for its debut sometime next year. The company is yet to reveal many details about its first extended reality (XR) smart glasses, however, new research coming out of China shows that the Korean brand’s upcoming XR device will share some features with Meta’s Ray-Ban smart glasses. The device, reportedly developed in partnership with Google and Qualcomm, could be released in the third quarter of 2025. The purported Samsung XR glasses may not have a display and is expected to pack a 12-megapixel camera.
New Details on Samsung’s XR Smart Glasses Surface
A research note by China-based Wellsen XR offers details about Samsung’s first XR smart glasses. As per the report, highlighted by Jukanlosreve (@Jukanlosreve) and Maeil Business Newspaper, Samsung has finalised plans to release AI smart glasses, and the company is eyeing to produce 5,00,000 units in the first batch. The smart glasses will reportedly be released in the third quarter of 2025.
The Samsung XR glasses will reportedly pack a Qualcomm AR1 chipset as the main processing unit and an NXP semiconductor as the auxiliary processing unit. Meta’s Ray-Ban smart glasses also run on the AR1 chipset. It is also said to come with a 12-megapixel camera with Sony IMX681 CMOS image sensor and 155mAh battery, similar to Meta’s Ray-Ban offering. It could weigh 50 grams.
The camera on the Samsung XR glasses is said to be capable of scanning QR codes, gesture recognition and “human recognition functions.” These functions could be performed by the pre-installed Gemini giant language model (LLM) in the wearable in collaboration with Google.
Samsung Electronics in its earnings announcement last month confirmed that the XR headset would be launched next year. However, the brand has not revealed the exact launch timeline yet. Samsung is expected to preview the device at its Galaxy Unpacked event for the Galaxy S25 series.
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