Moto G35 5G is set to launch in India on December 10 and will go on sale via Flipkart. As the launch date nears, the Lenovo-owned brand has hinted at the price range of the new Moto G series smartphone. The Moto G35 was unveiled in select global markets in August this year. It runs on a Unisoc T760 chipset and has a 6.7-inch display. The Moto G35 carries a 50-megapixel dual rear camera unit.
Flipkart has set up a microsite on its website teasing the specifications of Moto G35 ahead of the launch event on December 10. The listing shows that the upcoming handset will be priced under Rs. 10,000 in the country. It claims that it is the segment’s fastest 5G phone with 12 5G bands as per TechArch’s Fastest 5G report.
In European markets, the Moto G35 was launched at a price of EUR 199 (roughly Rs. 19,000). The previous Moto G34 was released in India with a price tag of Rs. 10,999 for the base 4GB RAM + 128GB storage variant. The top-end model with 8GB RAM + 128GB storage is priced at Rs. 11,999.
As mentioned, the Moto G35 5G will be unveiled in India on December 10 at 12pm IST. It will go on sale via Flipkart and is teased to be available in black, green, and red colour options.
Moto G35 Specifications
The Moto G35 has a 6.7-inch display with up to 120Hz refresh rate, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection, and 1,000nits peak brightness. It runs on Unisoc T760 chipset with up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB of onboard storage. The storage can be expanded up to 1TB via a microSD card slot. It sports a 50-megapixel dual rear camera unit. It features a 16-megapixel selfie shooter.
Moto G35 packs a 5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging. It has a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and includes stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos support.
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