OnePlus Watch 3 may soon be introduced as a successor to the OnePlus Watch 2, which was unveiled at MWC 2024 in February. The Watch 3 is tipped to launch in global markets, including in India, alongside the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R handsets in January 2025. The purported smartwatch has yet to be officially confirmed. As per a new report, the watch was listed on a certification site. The listing hints at the probable dimension details, battery size and connectivity options of the OnePlus Watch 3.
OnePlus Watch 3 FCC Listing
An upcoming OnePlus watch with the model number “OPWWE251” was reportedly spotted on the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website, according to a 91Mobiles Indonesia report. This is speculated to be the OnePlus Watch 2 successor, possibly the OnePlus Watch 3.
The listing suggests that the purported OnePlus Watch 3 will likely measure 46.6 x 47.6 x 11.75mm in size. This is expected to be slightly smaller than the OnePlus Watch 2, which measures 47 x 46.6 x 12.1mm in size and weighs 49g.
The OnePlus Watch 3 is expected to pack a 631mAh-rated battery, which may have a typical value of 648mAh. If true, this will be a nice upgrade over the 500mAh cell of the OnePlus Watch 2. This suggests that the upcoming smartwatch could get a longer battery life than the current version, which is claimed to offer up to 48 hours of battery life with heavy usage, up to 100 hours in Smart Mode, and up to 12 days in Power Saver mode.
The OnePlus 13 is confirmed to launch in India and globally in January 2025. The flagship smartphone is expected to be unveiled alongside the OnePlus 13R, which could be a rebranded version of the purported OnePlus Ace 5. The OnePlus Watch 3 could launch in global markets with these handsets.
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